Tijdens het open atelierweekend exposeerde ik met met 5 ateliergenoten in de Pandhof, de prachtige kloostergang en kruidentuin gelegen naast de Dom!
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CD artist:
“ElinePeek ‘s portraits looked spectacular displayed in the Dom Pandhof. I marveled at the way she renders skin with multiple thin and transparent, layers of different colours and textures. For me, her work captures all the beauty, vulnerability, and intimacy of skin as our outermost layer, full of flaws-that-aren’t-flaws. The layer that contains and covers up who we really are, and yet is often the primary site for problematic assumptions and projections of who we are. A delicate yet surprisingly resilient (except when it’s not) barrier that’s offers boundaries and protection. And also the surface on which we’re able to choose to experience each other in the most wonderful intimate way - especially if we can see the beauty in all those flaws-that-aren’t-flaws.”